Friday, June 17, 2011

Inspiring Erotica

I previously posted this elsewhere but thought it deemed worthy of reposting on my blog.

I know that many reading this aspire to write or read the best stories, or erotic stories, as they possibly can. Otherwise, why goe through the trouble?
The question is then, just what erotica is worthy of aspiring to?
I believe this discussion must begin with a definition of erotica.
Erotica as defined by Merriam Webster Online Dictionary:
1: literary or artistic works having an erotic theme or quality
2: depictions of things erotic

Not such a great definition of Erotica. So I went a step further and looked up the word erotic.
Definition of EROTIC
1: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire
2: strongly marked or affected by sexual desire

Okay, now it is starting to make some sense, but I also am constantly hounded by those who tell me I write porn. Well then, let’s look up the definition of porn.
1: the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement
2: material (as books or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement

I don’t know. I’m not the smartest person in the world, having only achieved the menial master degree in human resource management and an MBA, but don’t the two definitions seem eerily familiar?
I personally believe the difference between sexual desire and sexual excitement to be nearly non-existent. I mean, does sexual desire not come from sexual excitement? I think the point here is that one person’s erotica is another person’s porn. I’ve read other definitions that state erotica is the exploration of sexual desires and situations often considered taboo by society. I like most of this definition but do not believe a work must cover a taboo subject to be considered erotica because, again, what is considered taboo is not only societal, but personal as well. I guess what I’m trying to say is that what one considers erotic is very personal. I think the most important thing is that inspiring erotica should create an undeniable effect on the person reading it.
Back in the late sixties, people flocked to the stores, or wherever they could, to buy a novel (not considered erotica or taboo at the time) originally published in 1955 about an adult man lusting for a twelve year old girl, only to finally have them fulfilled on her request.  The real depiction of anything even remotely resembling a sexual act between the two characters was limited to one sentence on one of 336 pages. I won’t argue the theme of the story was most certainly taboo. But taboo (and considered downright sick by some) or not, this book is listed by Time magazine as one of the 100 best English language novels from 1923-2005. Of course Vladimir Nabokov died long before his work became famous. Of course, the story is question is “Lolita” by Vladimir Nabokov.

While I think it is completely possible for anyone to stumble upon greatness, and write a truly inspiring erotic story (I believe that may be the only way I will find such greatness) there are those that, in my opinion, seem to have their finger firmly pressed on the erotic tale. For me, the first author that comes to mind is our own Selena Kitt. By way of example, I will briefly discuss two of her stories (both available free, by the way) that clearly make her an inspiration in both range and ability.

The first story is one of her more popular stories, “Babysitting for the Baumgartners.” In this story, the character get downright nasty. Nothing is held back. The language used and the actions taken depict characters that are free and open, maybe even a little manipulative, in their sexuality. I like this story because it is completely within the characters personalities to use bold language and terminology when discussing body parts and actions. In other words, I find very little purple prose in this story.
Selena also has another wonderful story (of her many wonderful stories) titled, “A Twisted Bard’s Tale.” This story reads like a regency romance without the purple hue, and explores, in grand fashion, the concept of bi-sexuality, secret lovers, lesbianism – whatever you choose to call it, in a way that had me cooing and goo-ing by the third paragraph. This story is a complete contradiction to the style of the first story discussed. This, in my opinion, is why I consider these stories, and Selena Kitt to be inspiring in the erotica genre.

 I must also mention Jax Cassidy. Her stories are so laden with romance and emotion, the erotic parts sneak up and completely take over your mind and body before you conspire to resist. To me, this is the sign of a truly inspiring writer. Someone who weaves stories so fine that one cannot perceive where the romance ended and where pure lust and eroticism took over.

Another writer I believe will soon become a force to be reckoned with is Summer Ellis. She is new, inexperienced, and unsure, but already wields a powerful pen. I do not believe she has even offered any of her work for sale yet, but I already consider her inspiring. Her second story, “Boudoir Books” tackles the subject of sex in public. No, not just in public but in the middle of a bookstore! Now, how sexy is that? Especially to us writer types. The story is very short, and maybe lacking a good sense of ending, but her raw natural talent in undeniable. She is worthy of following as, when she decides to go pro, she’ll likely be, highly sought after.
Of course there are countless more writers out there that very well could be inspiring in the erotica genre.  I did not mention these three in some scheme to get more people to read their works. Each of us must find our own inspirations. I merely listed them by way of example of what might be considered inspiring to others, as they are personally inspiring to me.
So, who do you consider inspirational in the erotica genre?

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